Valentine's Day is a holiday celebrated worldwide on February 14th, dedicated to expressing love and affection. While it's widely known as a day for romantic couples, its history, and traditions go back much further. 

From its origins in ancient Rome to modern-day celebrations, Valentine's Day has undergone many changes and adaptations over the centuries. Whether you're a romantic at heart or simply curious about this holiday's history, these interesting trivia facts about Valentine's Day are sure to surprise and delight you. 

Also Read: 66 exciting & not so common activities to do in Australia this Valentine's Day

Here are some interesting trivia about Valentine's Day

  1. The origin of Valentine's Day is unclear, but it is believed to have been named after Saint Valentine, a priest who was imprisoned and executed for performing marriages during a time when marriage was forbidden by the Roman Empire.

  2. The first recorded Valentine's Day celebration was in the year 496 AD, when Pope Gelasius declared February 14th as Saint Valentine's Day.

  3. In the 14th and 15th centuries, Valentine's Day was a time for expressing love through poems, songs, and love letters. The first recorded Valentine's Day love letter was sent in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London.

  4. In the United States, Valentine's Day wasn't widely celebrated until the late 18th century, when it gained popularity as a commercial holiday.

  5. In Japan, women give chocolates to men on Valentine's Day, and men return the favor with a gift on White Day, celebrated one month later on March 14th.

  6. In Finland, Valentine's Day is called Ystävänpäivä, which translates to "Friend's Day". It is more about celebrating friendship than romantic love.

  7. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that the first person you saw on Valentine's Day would become your future spouse.

  8. In the 19th century, Victorian-era lovers would send "valentines" made from lace, ribbon, and paper doilies to express their affection.

  9. The world's largest Valentine's Day card was sent in 2013, measuring 10.1 feet wide and 8.3 feet tall and weighing 1,700 pounds.

  10. The most popular gifts for Valentine's Day are chocolates, flowers, and jewelry.

If you are looking for unconventional ideas to celebrate Valentine’s day with your loved one, here are 66 exciting & not so common activities to do in Australia.

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