Got Car Rental Questions On Your Mind? 

We're answering the top 6 most asked questions about car sharing on the internet! 

Renting a car in Australia comes with many perks that help you save some bucks and also help you explore some of the most pristine and untouched areas of the island continent. 

Car rental services are available at various locations and can be booked before travel dates. Whether you're looking to rent a car for inner-city travel or a road trip down the Australian coastline, there  are a few factors you cannot afford to miss before choosing your final car to rent. Rest assured Drive mate is the car rental for you, our commitment to providing the best car rental experience in Australia, at Drive mate, we advise you to follow a simple and effective checklist. 

What is the average car rental cost in Australia? 

Car sharing is about saving money while never compromising the driving experience. Switch on inner spy mode and hunt for the best deals! Many car-sharing platforms offer a variety of deals. The cost of car rental in Australia starts from $30/day and can go up to $100/day depending on the type of car and rental company you choose to rent from. At Drive mate, our fleet of 1000+ cars always offers various rates and discounts based on the rental period, service area, type of car etc. Since we are a peer-to-peer car-sharing platform, we offer cars for rent for as low as $4/hour or $30/day.   

How does Car Insurance work on car-sharing portals? 

Insurance policy checks are an absolute must. It's never a nice feeling to have a car break down in the middle of a journey or even if you meet with an accident. Worst of all, you must pay for the damage from your pocket! Car-sharing platforms offer a variety of insurance packages, and it will be worthwhile to check the insurance coverage provided by the platform. While renting a car in Australia, ensure you have 'Excess Coverage' that covers accidental damages as well to be extra safe and secure, especially when you're on a long road trip with the family. At Drive mate, all cars have comprehensive insurance covering damage, theft, 3rd party loss, hail, flood & fire

How do I keep track of the fuel consumption of the rented car? 

It's always prudent to follow a Full To Full Fuel Policy. When renting a car, ensure you check the vehicle's fuel levels (petrol gauge) at the time of pick up. The standard practice of car hosts is to rent the car with the fuel completely topped up, and while returning the car, you're expected to top up the fuel of the rented car. If you don't do that, you're charged for fuel during drop-off or via the Drive mate app after the host's final report. Avoid paying thoroughly inflated rates on petrol for the difference in levels later by ensuring you always return the rented car with the petrol tank completely full. 

Did you know?

Drive mate will soon give you an option to include fuel in your trip charges. Instead of filling the fuel on your own, you can choose to pay for it through Drive mate while returning the rented car.

Where Do I Pick Up My Rented Car? 

Car rental in Australia is available in various pockets of the city. Schedule and pick up a car right from the airport or make your way to the Central Business District zones of Sydney, Melbourne etc. Price points also change based on the desired location of pick up and drop off. The best way to find a great deal that suits your budget is to use free shuttle bus services available at airports and train stations and use our platform to filter down a better location to pick up the car to get the best deal for renting a car in the city. Drive mate's unique technology allows you to have an utterly keyless experience. Book, unlock and Go right from the palm of your hand. Our smartphone app lets you control the car's access with just a few simple clicks. Forget about moving around with a bunch of clanky keys or even misplacing them while you're busy soaking in the sun and surfing by our favorite beach spots. 

Is there a limit to the distance my rented car can cover? 

In this case, you're looking for the 'mileage' provided by the car-sharing platform, which varies from car to host. You must be careful and look closely at what's being offered on each platform and make an informed decision. Drive mate's fleet of cars offers a 100 km mileage allowance per day. Renting a car for a simple day-long trip to complete all your chores would require a car that has limited mileage, which lets you save on cost. But if you're hitting the road to travel across the great OZ outback, make sure you have chosen a car host offering unlimited mileage on the car for the entire duration of the rental. 

​Are there any hidden costs I need to be aware of?

The simple answer is YES! Car sharing platforms always have various add-on charges called 'Surcharge'. There are many ways in which additional costs are passed on to the driver. 

One-Way Surcharge: Hosts will charge a higher fee for pick-ups & Drop-offs in 2 different locations than a single location pick-up and drop-off. 

Young Driver Surcharge: In Australia, to get a rented car, it's essential to be of driving age, i.e. above 18 years. However, car renting platforms charge more for drivers below 25 years of age. This might even come in the form of a higher insurance premium you might have to pay when picking up the car. 

Late return fees: Different companies charge different amounts as late fees. Some companies may charge you a quarter day’s rental for every hour you are late, while some others may charge you even if you are late by a minute. Be sure to check for the late fee policies of the company or extend your trip in case you are unsure about returning the rented car in time.

Car sharing in Australia with Drive mate

At Drive mate, we offer incredibly flexible and affordable rates for renting a car and deliver a flexible and personalized car-sharing experience. You can book a car for an hour or rent one for a longer term. Since we are a peer-to-peer car sharing platform, you get maximum flexibility. We are completely transparent in our pricing, and you can check for all the charges you will incur before starting your journey. The only price you have to pay after is that of not choosing Drive mate's car-sharing platform! 

We understand you might have many more specific questions about car sharing in Australia. Follow our FAQs section to get all the answers you need and get to know what makes Drive mate your only car-sharing platform to choose from. Follow us for more tips to have an epic car-sharing experience in Australia! 

Also read: 
​​How to rent a car with Drive mate Car Sharing App, Australia
Revolutionise Family Travel: Top Benefits of Car Sharing in Australia