Essential driving and road safety tips while renting a car in Australia

Here's an ideal scenario - Your BnB is booked (on a great promo deal), your bags are packed (with your latest statement clothes), and you're even taking your pet with you for a bit of adventure! But are you still wondering if you're all set to jet? It's ok; just breathe in the calmness cause you're likely right to feel this way. Car sharing is not as complicated as one might believe. To help you out, the Drive mate customer team has to put together a simple 7-point essential checklist to ensure you don't have a hiccup using a Car sharing

Before you start your journey

Car sharing means lesser initial investments to buy a car and much less hassle of maintaining the car's upkeep every year. Being a responsible driver means covering all your bases regarding the car's quality at the pickup and being well-planned about all your needs during the journey. 


Every car host and their car is verified and vetted by Drive mate's system and stringent checks. 

Don't zip off as soon as you are given control of the car. Take photos of the vehicle before pickup and after drop-off. Check for any scratches or physical damage to the car. Also, ensure the fluid levels like engine and brake oil are at a safe level. Summer holiday trips call for cars with functional and powerful air-conditioning. Check the A/C before you leave; we don't want you to feel uncomfortable and constantly sweating while driving. Finally, check the tires and boot of the car for tools to change a flat tire. 

Plan Your Route 

A famous quote amongst travelers - is 'The journey is as important as the destination. But you'll go nowhere if you don't know which direction you're headed in. So it's best if you plan the destination, the route you want to take, and also chalk out the restaurants you would like to visit, the petrol stations en route for a refill, or any spots you want to stop and soak in the views along the way. 

On The Road Assistance 

Going on a road trip means ensuring you have all the suitable roadside assistance systems. Check-in with the Drive mate's support team to get a list of local businesses along your route. We have partnered with various mechanics, auto-electricians, and other relevant automotive services who will provide support wherever you are, in just a single call. In an accident, you needn't worry; all Drive mate cars are fully insured with up to $40M in coverage. 

 While you're on the road 

Using a car rental service doesn't mean hitting the road and zipping away without understanding the basic driving etiquette rules. You still have to be alert and stick to all the driving laws that apply to drivers with an Australian license or even an international driver's permit. 

Seat belt

One of the most cardinal rules of being a responsible driver is always to belt up before you start the car. Australian Traffic Police take this offense seriously and fine any driver for their first offense, and it can lead to double demerit points if you're found on the wrong side of the law within 1 year of an earlier offense. Keep your seat belt on at all times during the drive. 

Kids above the age of 7 must wear a seatbelt compulsorily, while kids 6 years and below must be strapped into the Child's seat at the back of most Drive mate listed cars. 

Drinking and driving

Drinking and driving is a criminal offense if you're above the legally allowed limit of 0.05 BAC. While all states have minor variations in this law, states like NSW have taken a stricter route. New South Wales local authorities are handing $2200 fines and a 6-month driving suspension as part of their 'Towards Zero' initiative. Western Australia, on the other hand, gives a $1000 fine and gives demerit points starting from 3 points for low levels of BAC, i.e., 0.05, while the penalties are much heavier, starting from $3750 and 10 10-month driving ban.

Car sharing is about enjoying the ride completely sober, and while we do not encourage drinking and driving in any form, it will be prudent to know the laws for each state better. The official government health department's website has things neatly laid out. Read here

Avoid Distractions 

Following the dashboard GPS on your road trip?! It's best to keep the voice instructions at a volume you can hear to keep your eyes on the road and hands up on the wheel in the 10-10 position. We know how tempting a Whatsapp message from your best friend could be to read, but pull over, park your car on the side of the road, and read the message. Don't text and drive at any cost! 

Here are a few quick stats we hope will raise a few alarms! 

  • 1284 people are seriously injured every year in Queensland due to distracted driving 

  • If you're distracted for just 3 seconds and driving at 60 km/h, you will drive blind for 50 meters!

  • 4X more likely to crash your car when using a phone 

Although you cannot stop your phone from buzzing, you socialite, it's best to switch on the 'DND' settings on your phone and avoid any distractions from phone calls, text messages, or random notifications you get on your Instagram account. 


As you arrive at your destination, parking your rented vehicle is the last step to ensuring you don't cross any rules. Ensure you buy a parking ticket at the vending machine and display the ticket from the inside on the dashboard on the passenger side. The letter 'P' indicates the vehicle parking space where 1/2 P means 30 mins, 1P means your ticket is valid for 1 hour, and 3P for 3 hours. Keep an eye for signs like 'Bus Zone' or 'Loading Zone'; passenger vehicles like the one you've rented will not be allowed to park here and could lead to you being fined. 

In conclusion, car rental in Australia can be the most enjoyable experience, provided you know the rules of being a responsible traveller and driver in Australia. 

Start renting a car today and save more than 40% compared to similar platforms, or list your car for rental purposes and see how your car becomes your support engine. 

Also read: 
Revolutionise Family Travel: Top Benefits of Car Sharing in Australia
Unveiling Australia's Secret: Best Off-the-Beaten-Path Road Trip Destinations