Owning a car is always heavy on the pocket and a hassle too. And the harsh truth is that students don't have time and money for it. But with car sharing, you can access more cars for less money. And that is why student car sharing is worth considering. If you are looking for an affordable car-sharing platform, choose Drive mate, Australia's best car-sharing platform. 

Australia is witnessing a break-necking growth of car sharing in the student community, and that is all because of its ease and affordability. You will be shocked to know the cost involved in owning and maintaining a car in Australia. For a college-going student, it's a hefty amount. 

 Here are five reasons why car sharing is the best for students.

 Live a Hassle-free life

Owning a car might give you freedom, convenience, and productivity, but it takes time, money, and, most importantly, energy. How? Imagine, every weekend you are going to a car service station, spending hundreds of dollars instead of spending that time and money on some activities, work or studying.

But if you opt for car sharing, you don't need to face all these hassles. Whenever you need a car to move around or for shopping or any other activities, you can just book it with a few clicks.

In short, get a car anytime, anywhere.

Owning a car is too heavy on your pocket

This one probably comes as no surprise. As a college student, you are living with pocket money. And owning a car is a serious heartburn at this age. 

  • Car price - $18000+

  • Registration cost - $600 - $700

  • Car Loan - $160 - $170/week

  • Fuel - $75 - $80/week

  • Servicing - $30 - $35/week

These are just jaw-dropping numbers to own a car. 

Now think how much money you can save by car sharing and then you can spend that additional money to buy your favourite sweatshirt. Or dine at your favourite restaurant.

Take the first step with car sharing towards Green Living

Do you know that road transport is the dominant source of 78% of greenhouse gas emissions globally and 41% is from passenger cars?

But, with car sharing, you can combat that. 

There's no doubt that fewer vehicles on the road means less greenhouse gas emissions and cleaner air quality. Not only that, It helps to reduce carbon footprint as well and make it more environmentally friendly. 

And you must agree that as a student, it's your responsibility to make a healthier world for everyone.

 Fewer cars, Less Congestion on the road

For congested cities like Melbourne and Sydney, the peak hour grind is getting worse day by day. 

When more people share cars instead of buying, we can significantly reduce the number of cars on the road. The advantage? Quicker commuting, less morning stress, and a pleasant driving experience. 

Driving must be fun. But the enjoyment is completely taken away by being stuck in heavy traffic. 

With Drive Mate car sharing, you are saving time, money, and fuel and also gaining peace of mind.

Students pay a fortune to park on campus

One common problem on all college campuses is the availability of parking spaces. Not only availability, but the parking cost is probably the most expensive thing you pay for every year after your tuition fees.  

But with Drive mate, you can get rid of it. 

When you opt for car sharing, it gives you a stress-free life from parking hassles as well as you are making more spaces for urban green areas. 

In fact, if you own a car, just list that out on Drive mate platform and earn some extra penny instead of paying for that. 

For College Students, Car Sharing Is a No-Brainer 

Seriously, car sharing makes great sense for students. Why? You get tied down with a particular model when you own a car. But with car sharing, you get a chance to choose different cars every day and also can have the pleasure of driving your favourite car without paying much.

Car sharing has become a trend that offers genuine benefits like hassle-free lifestyle, cost saving, traffic reduction, environmentally friendly and less parking, and more spaces for urban green areas.

So, if you are planning to buy a car, drop the idea immediately and choose Drive mate. Trust us, your wallet, as well as the environment. Thank us later.

Also read: 
​​How to rent a car with Drive mate Car Sharing App, Australia
Revolutionise Family Travel: Top Benefits of Car Sharing in Australia