Hey there! Did you know that a few adjustments in your driving style can save up to 30% of your fuel while keeping your rides thrilling and your wallet content? At Drive mate, we’re dedicated to making your journey not only an epic adventure but also a quest for conserving those precious drops of fuel. Brace yourself for an in-depth exploration of out-of-the-box tips that can revolutionize your Drive mate experience into a fuel-efficient and cost-effective joyride.

The Right Car for the Right Adventure

Choosing the perfect vehicle, whether it's a compact city car or a spacious SUV for a family road trip, can significantly impact how far your fuel takes you.

Driving Like a Pro

While speeding off might sound exhilarating, smooth and steady wins the fuel-efficiency race. Gradually easing onto the accelerator and gently braking not only saves fuel but also makes for a smoother, more enjoyable ride. 

Tires Matter

Don’t neglect those trusty tires! Keeping them properly inflated reduces rolling resistance, which means better fuel economy.  Check them regularly and top them up with the free air pump at the gas station – it's like a green high-five for your car. 

​Lighten the Load

Think of your car as a backpack—carrying unnecessary weight burns more fuel. Pack only what's essential for your trip to maximize fuel efficiency and make the most of your Drive mate adventure.

If you are going for long drives, opt for vehicles at Drive mate that run on unleaded fuel or explore our range of hybrids that combine efficiency with eco-friendliness for a cost-effective drive. 

Plan Your Route

Open roads and cruise control are a match made in fuel-saving heaven. It helps maintain a consistent speed, ultimately saving fuel during those long, scenic drives. 

Conscious Air Conditioning 

Aussie summers can scorch! But here’s the deal: AC can devour fuel. Use it smartly or roll down the windows for a refreshing breeze without burning extra fuel.

Master the Art of Smooth Stops

Instead of hitting the brakes hard at the last moment, anticipate traffic lights and traffic flow to gently ease your car to a stop. Your fuel gauge will thank you for it.

Revolutionise Family Travel: Top Benefits of Car Sharing in Australia  

​Engine Love

While Drive mate ensures the vehicles on our platform are in tip-top condition, you can also check the car before you start your trip, it always helps enhance fuel efficiency and performance.

Park Wisely

Hot weather? Find shady spots to park. Cooler cars mean less fuel evaporates, helping you get more out of every drop.

Idle-Free Moments

If you find yourself stationary for more than a minute, switch off the engine. Idling simply burns fuel for no good reason.

Sleek and Streamlined 

Say goodbye to unnecessary add-ons like roof racks when they're not in use. They disrupt aerodynamics and could mean more fuel consumption.

Ensure a Full Tank on Return: A Cost-Saving Move

Many rental companies levy an extra fee for refueling, making it more economical to bring back the car with a complete tank of fuel. Drive mate simplifies this process, return the car with the same fuel level as when you picked it up. 

Flexible Fuel Payment via Drive mate App

Running short on time? No worries. Simply pay for the trip via our app. This flexibility ensures convenience without the hassle of finding a fuel station at the last minute.

​Also read - Exploring Australia's Breathtaking Natural Wonders: 10 Must-Visit Destinations with a Rental Car

Smart Driving Habits for Efficiency

- Smooth Acceleration and Deceleration: Gentle acceleration and braking conserve fuel. Rapid speed changes consume more energy.

- Maintain a Steady Speed: Consistent speeds, especially on highways, can significantly improve fuel efficiency.

- Limit Idling: Turn off the engine when stationary for extended periods to save fuel. 

Eco Mode Optimisation

- Understanding Eco Mode: Each car model may have specific features and benefits associated with its Eco mode. Some may adjust throttle response, modify gear shifts, or optimize engine power.

- Adapt to Driving Conditions: Eco mode might perform differently in varied conditions. For instance, in city traffic, it can be more effective due to frequent stops and starts.

- Balance between Efficiency and Performance: While Eco mode improves fuel economy, it might slightly reduce the car's responsiveness. Assess your driving needs for a balanced experience.

Also read - Making Memorable Adventures: Road Trip Safety Essentials in Australia

Advanced Techniques for Fuel Economy

- Hypermiling Techniques: Techniques like coasting (when safe and legal), anticipating traffic flow, and maximising momentum can further enhance fuel efficiency.

- Technology Integration: Explore apps or gadgets that monitor driving habits, provide feedback, and offer suggestions for more fuel-efficient driving.

Environmental Benefits and Cost Savings

- Reduced Emissions: Efficient driving not only saves fuel but also lowers your carbon footprint by emitting fewer pollutants.

- Long-Term Cost Savings: Consistent efficient driving habits lead to substantial savings on fuel costs over time.

- Workshops and Resources: Consider attending workshops or exploring online resources that offer insights into optimizing driving techniques for fuel efficiency.


Every small adjustment counts towards significant fuel savings. Take a moment to explore the insights shared in this guide to optimize your rental car experience in Australia with Drive mate. These practical tips can truly amplify your fuel efficiency, ensuring a smoother and more cost-effective journey.