
Planning an upcoming road trip? You're in for an amazing adventure! But before you hit the road, it's essential to prioritize safety and security. Ensuring a smooth and trouble-free journey is crucial.

Meet Drive mate, your trusted car rental partner in Australia. We're here to help you find the perfect vehicle for your road trip, no matter where you're headed. In this blog post, we'll share valuable tips to guarantee a safe and secure road trip experience with Drive mate.

Choose the right car

The first step to staying safe on a road trip is to choose the right car. If you're going to be driving on a lot of highways, you'll need a car that's comfortable and has good fuel economy. If you're going to be doing a lot of off-road driving, you'll need a car that's rugged and can handle rough terrain.

Drive mate has a wide variety of cars to choose from, so you're sure to rent the perfect car for your needs.

Our top priority is your safety. 

To guarantee a secure environment for both our car hosts and guests, we have implemented a thorough background check process. This process is designed to ensure that everyone involved in our car-sharing community is trustworthy and reliable.​

On the road, be prepared for anything

No matter how well you plan, there's always a chance that something unexpected can happen on your road trip. That's why it's important to be prepared for anything.

Make sure you have a full tank of gas, a spare tire, and a first-aid kit in your car. Its advisable if you also pack a flashlight, a map, and a phone charger and let someone know where you're going and when you expect to be back.

Read more - Top 5 Campsites Near Adelaide you can explore with Drive mate!

Drive with caution

The best way to stay safe on the road is to be a cautious driver. This means being aware of your surroundings and anticipating the actions of other drivers. Pay attention to other drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists.

Always obey the speed limit and be sure to signal your turns. Avoid texting or talking on the phone while you're behind the wheel, and obviously don't drink and drive.

Be aware of Wildlife

Our Aussie wildlife, with its quirks and charm, tends to be most lively during the magical hours of dawn and dusk. For a smoother road trip, consider steering clear of these twilight periods and opt for the bright hours of the day on your next long-distance adventure.

Now, if a Kangaroo decides to hop into your path, here's the drill: slow down, honk that horn, and give it a moment to bounce away. The loud honk acts as a sort of kangaroo nudge, encouraging it to hop off the road. 

Stay alert, be kind to our furry friends, and enjoy the ride through Australia's wild wonders!

Take breaks 

It's important to take breaks every two hours or 100 Kms on a road trip. This will help you to stay alert and avoid fatigue. Get out of the car and walk around, or stop at a rest stop to stretch your legs.

Read more - The Best Road Trip Destinations for Car Rental Adventures in Australia ​

Park in a safe place

When you're not driving, it's important to park your car in a safe place. This means parking in a well-lit area, preferably with security cameras.

Lock your car

This one should go without saying, but it's important to always lock your car, even when you're just running into a store for a few minutes.

If you see something that doesn't look right, don't be afraid to call the police. It's better to be safe than sorry.

Map out your route

It's a good idea to map out your route before you start your road trip. This will help you to stay on track and avoid getting lost. Be sure to factor in rest stops and gas stations into your itinerary.

Pack for all types of weather

Even if you're planning a road trip during the summer, it's important to pack for all types of weather. You never know when you might encounter a rainstorm or a cold snap. Be sure to pack a raincoat, umbrella, and warm clothes. Especially weather of WA is especially unpredictable. 

Bring snacks and drinks

It's always a good idea to bring snacks and drinks on a road trip. This will help to keep you and your passengers from getting hungry or thirsty on the road. Be sure to pack healthy snacks like fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

Plan your entertainment

A long road trip can be boring if you don't have anything to do. Be sure to pack some entertainment, such as books, games, or music. You can also download podcasts or audiobooks to listen to on the road.


By following these tips, you can help ensure that your next road trip is safe and enjoyable. Drive mate is here to help you every step of the way, so don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Ready to start planning your road trip? Visit Drive mate today to find the perfect car for your needs. We offer a variety of safety and security features to help keep you and your belongings safe.