Are you looking for ideas to reduce your fuel bill? You're in the right place! With fuel prices in Australia increasing by over 20% in the past year alone, it's essential to find ways to cut down on fuel consumption. Let us at Drive mate, your Aussie car rental, help you make the most of your driving experience. As your Aussie car rental company have gathered the best fuel saving hacks to help you save on fuel and keep more money in your pockets. Read on to discover effective ways to save fuel and reduce your environmental impact.

What Causes High Petrol Prices in Australia?

Petrol prices in Australia are influenced by a variety of factors. Crude oil prices on the global market are a significant determinant, but there are other elements at play. Exchange rates, government taxes and levies, refining costs, and even seasonal demand can all impact the price at the pump. Additionally, Australia's geographical remoteness and the costs associated with transporting fuel to various parts of the country contribute to higher prices. Understanding these factors helps to highlight the importance of fuel-saving strategies.

Essential Tips for Saving on Fuel

1. Keep Your Vehicle Well-Maintained

Regular vehicle maintenance is crucial for optimal fuel efficiency. A well-maintained car runs more efficiently and uses less fuel. Key maintenance tasks include:

- Regular Oil Changes: Use the recommended oil grade for your car.

- Air Filter Replacement: A clean air filter improves engine performance.

- Spark Plug Checks: Replace worn-out spark plugs to ensure efficient combustion.

2. Drive Smoothly and Avoid Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving, such as rapid acceleration, hard braking, and speeding, can significantly decrease your fuel efficiency. By driving more smoothly and maintaining a steady speed, you can improve your fuel economy by up to 30%. Here are some tips for smoother driving:

- Accelerate Gradually: Press the accelerator gently and build up speed gradually.

- Anticipate Traffic: Look ahead to predict traffic flow and avoid sudden stops.

- Maintain a Steady Speed: Use cruise control on highways to maintain a consistent speed.

3. Ensure ideal tire pressure is maintained

Under-inflated tires can increase rolling resistance, making your engine work harder and consume more fuel. Check your tire pressure monthly and keep them inflated to the manufacturer's recommended levels. Properly inflated tires can improve fuel efficiency by up to 3%.

4. Remove  excess weight​

Extra weight in your car can reduce fuel efficiency. Remove unnecessary items from your vehicle, especially heavy ones, to improve fuel economy. Every 45 kg (100 lbs) of extra weight can reduce your fuel efficiency by about 1-2%.

5. Use Air Conditioning Wisely

Air conditioning can increase fuel consumption, especially in city driving. Use it sparingly and consider these alternatives:

- Ventilation: Use the car’s ventilation system or open windows at lower speeds.

- Parking in Shade: Park in shaded areas to keep the car cool and reduce the need for air conditioning.

6. Plan Your Trips

Planning your trips can save fuel by reducing the distance traveled and avoiding traffic congestion. Combine errands into one trip and use navigation apps to find the most efficient routes.

7. Drive at an Optimal Speed

​Driving at a speed that is good for fuel efficiency can make a significant difference. For most cars, the optimal speed is between 50 and 80 km/h. Avoid driving at high speeds, as fuel consumption increases significantly above 80 km/h.

Speed (km/h)

Fuel Consumption (L/100 km)


8. Use Fuel-Efficient Driving Techniques

Adopting fuel-efficient driving techniques can save you fuel. Here are a few to consider:

- Coasting: When approaching a red light or a stop sign, take your foot off the accelerator and coast to a stop.

- Engine Braking: Use engine braking when going downhill instead of riding the brakes.

- Minimize Idling: Turn off the engine if you expect to be stopped for more than a minute.


1. How can I ensure my car is safe while renting it out on Drive mate?

- Drive mate provides comprehensive insurance coverage and a thorough vetting process for renters to ensure your car's safety.

2. What are the costs associated with renting out my car?

- Listing your car on Drive mate is free. A small commission is taken from each rental fee, but the majority of the earnings go to you.

3. Can I set specific availability times for my car rental?

- Yes, you have complete control over when your car is available for rent. You can set specific dates and times that suit your schedule.

4. How often should I perform maintenance checks on my car?

- It's recommended to follow your car manufacturer’s maintenance schedule, which typically suggests checks every 5,000 to 10,000 km or every six months, whichever comes first.

5. Does driving with the windows down reduce fuel efficiency?

- Driving with windows down can increase aerodynamic drag, especially at higher speeds, leading to reduced fuel efficiency. It's more efficient to use air conditioning at high speeds.

6. What should I do if my car is returned with damage?

- Drive mate’s insurance covers damage that occurs during a rental period. Report the damage immediately through the platform, and the support team will assist you with the claims process.

Make Money by Renting Out Your Car

If you want to offset your fuel costs, consider sharing your your car with Drive mate. It's a safe and easy way to make money when your car is parked and not in use. Here's how it works:

1. List Your Car: Sign up on the Drive mate platform and share your car.

2. Set Your Availability: Choose when your car is available for rent.

3. Rent with Confidence: Drive mate provides insurance and customer support to ensure a hassle-free experience.

4. Earn Money: Start earning money whenever your car is rented out.

By sharing your car, you can offset your fuel costs and make extra income without any worries. Drive mate ensures that your car is protected and that you have peace of mind.


Saving fuel is not only good for your wallet but also for the environment. By following these tips, you can improve your fuel efficiency and reduce your carbon footprint. And don't forget, renting out your car with Drive mate can help you offset those fuel costs and make some extra cash.

Also Read:
10 ways to earn money using your car in Australia
8 Unparalleled Benefits of Car Sharing for Businesses
Car Sharing 101: How to share your car on Drive mate