Here’s key slides from our 090924 host Q&A update, with full recording here, plus extra questions and answers below…

Hosts can now select subscription plans per car, providing device IDs for BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). If not BYOD, please choose your plan(s), and we’ll send correct device(s) for each vehicle.

Please watch this video tutorial to get started…

NB provide your information by 19th September to guarantee activation by end September.

🔧 Step 1: Updated your app to latest version – needed for these features.

🎥 Step 2: Check out this video tutorial on selecting your subscription plans and entering device IDs.

📱 Step 3: Open Drive mate app or website to choose your subscription plan - provide your device IDs or request new devices as needed.

🛋️ Step 4: Sit back and relax! Devices will be activated by end September, when your subscription charges will start.

🚦 Subscription plans tailored to your needs:

  • Just Mates: Free for Basic features (option to add secondary GPS for $5/month)

  • Good Mates: Enhanced support with vehicle and km tracking – $10/month (options for Secondary GPS +$5/month, and Lockbox +$10/month)

  • Best Mates: Keyless access for ultimate convenience – $30/month (BYO UCS Otoplug included, or request an Otoplug from us for $100 installation)

  • Need more details?

Summary of our subscription plans & FAQs: 

Detailed guide on selecting plans and entering device IDs: 





And here’s some extra questions and answers from the session…

Technology and Device Integration:

  • Can you clarify the primary and secondary GPS. I have only had one GPS unit (that I am aware of) using UCS?

    • USC mandated some hosts have a secondary GPS – they used to install them for hosts – it’s a grey box sized like a pack or cards – maybe have a look in the boot and under back seats

  • When will we be able to lock/unlock from Drive mate app for BYOD Otoplug?

    • We aim to have this tech live from October 1st

  • Are you able to release a list of cars compatible with your Drive Mate Go technology (not Otoplug)?

    • We will provide an updated list shortly.

  • What’s the starting date for the go keyless?

    • Otoplugs will allow keyless access from October 1, and Drive Mate Go 3.0 will be live in Q4 2024

  • Will Drive Mate Go 3.0 be based on Otoplug technology as part of the new partnership with Otoplug guys?

    • No – DMG 3.0 is proprietary technology Drive mate has been working on for several years, however the functionality of the devices for guests and hosts is very similar

Insurance and Between Booking Cover (BBI):

  • Is the insurance covered Full Time for hosts driving or not whether in the booking or outside booking?

    • All cars and guests are already covered during bookings – host with BBI are covered when driving up to 2,000kms/year between bookings

  • With BBI can we confirm that if an unknown stranger comes along and hits the car but leaves without owning up to the damage BBI will cover this damage in full

    • Yes this is covered, but the BBI host excess of $1,000 will apply if the culprit can’t be found

  • Give us an example of a car that would be $130 for BBI?

    • Small cars worth around $8k outside of high risk suburbs, without lockboxes

  • $130 is minimum - what is maximum?

    • We will advise soon as this policy is refined ready for go-live on Oct 1 

  • Is the BBI held as a fleet policy by DriveMate or establishing individual policies for the owner/vehicle?

    • It’s a fleet policy held by Drive mate, underwritten by Allianz

Operational Processes:

  • Who pays for Fuel?

    • We will post full details or our current and upcoming fuel policies on our Blog by 120924

  • How about borrowers arranging prepaid toll themselves?

    • Borrowers are welcome to bring their own toll tags

  • Is it possible build a template for this tolls list, to make the refund faster?

    • This isn’t needed – our AI tech can already scan toll statements from E-toll and Link to automatically charge tolls to Drive mate guests

  • Will you provide option in the app to scan the toll receipt?

    • No, but emailing us your monthly toll stamen is easier and faster

Platform Features and Improvements:

  • Will hourly booking be available?

    • Yes, from October 1 – details tba soon

  • Will hosts be able to export trip data to CSV?

    • Yes

  • With Spring here, can you add category for convertible cars?

    • Great idea – leave it with us

  • When will photo quality be fixed?

    • Photo quality is being reviewed and will be addressed shortly.

  • Your website has a discount toggle for weekly bookings, but not your app. The app also has monthly pricing but no weekly discounts. Can you sync these better with all options on both?

    • Yes 100%. We will align these.

Business Model and Pricing:

  • Would you consider a slightly more expensive subscription to get the lower 15% commission, rather than having to purchase BBI?

    • Not currently but well noted

  • Why is excess mileage currently not auto-calculated when borrowers have entered odo readings?

    • From 1st Oct, they will be auto calculated.

  • Don’t forget to put recommended pricing for the hourly fees also.

    • We will!

Marketing and Growth:

  • How many new borrowers have joined DM since the UCS announcement (as a percentage)?

    • Finally, we can share Drive mate’s recent booking growth stats - we had to offer exclusivity to spark this article that ran nationwide today

    • ‘The unexpected exit has sparked a massive surge in demand for rival car-sharing services, particularly Drive Mate, which saw a staggering 1,323 percent increase in bookings since Uber’s announcement.’

  • How is SEO - longer term strategy progressing? Are you monitoring SEO against specific phrases?

    • Yes – we will share marketing plan headlines next week

Vehicle Eligibility and Onboarding:

  • Would a 2018 Kia Carnival with 300k+ be eligible?

    • Absolutely – any car valued over $8k by RedBook is fine

  • What is the wait time to process new vehicles? I've lodged a car last week, and another yesterday?

    • Currently around 24 hours – working on speeding this up

User Experience and Support:

  • Is roadside assistance included in any of the plans like UCS where they used RACQ?

    • Yes! RACV Roadside is included for all guest trips, and for hosts with BBI, at no extra charge

  • What happens if guests abandon cars that malfunctions during booking? Is DM's roadside assistance still valid, even without between-bookings cover?

    • Yes – the GPS would show us what’s happened and this would have roadside cover

Legal and Compliance:

  • Do you have a policy for Dashcams in place? Maybe insurance discounts if installed?

    • Dashcams are great but won’t reduce BBI costs at the moment, similar to normal vehicle insurance

  • What level of rego do we need in Victoria? There’s one for normal cars use and one for car share. Can you set policy so everyone has the same rego and can't undercut each other’s pricing?

    • Yes – we will

  • Will you do a webinar with Guests to get their input in product development?

    • We will be talking to more guests moving forwards

Lastly, here’s a recap of our plans, BYOD and BBI…

Do join us for the weekly webinars here - every monday at 6 pm AEST.