New Year's resolutions -  Every January, people make a list of goals they hope to achieve over the coming year, with the intention of improving their lives and becoming the best version of themselves. These resolutions can be personal, professional, or a combination of both, and can range from the practical (exercising more, eating healthier) to the aspirational (learning a new skill, traveling more).

Here are some of the most common resolutions

Get in shape and improve your overall health

This might involve joining a gym or starting a new exercise routine, as well as making healthier choices when it comes to diet and nutrition. Many people also resolve to quit smoking or reduce their alcohol consumption in the hopes of improving their health and well-being.

Save money and reduce debt

This might involve setting a budget and cutting back on unnecessary expenses, as well as finding ways to increase income through side hustles or career advancement. Many people also resolve to pay off credit card debt or save for a down payment on a house.

Prioritize self-care and improve mental health

This might involve setting aside time for relaxation and mindfulness practices, such as meditation or yoga, or seeking therapy or counseling to address any underlying issues. Many people also resolve to reduce stress and prioritize work-life balance, either by setting boundaries at work or finding ways to better manage their time and energy.

Many people also resolve to improve their relationships and connections with others. This might involve spending more quality time with loved ones, volunteering or giving back to the community, or simply making an effort to be more present and engaged in daily interactions.

Other popular resolutions include learning a new skill or hobby, traveling more, and making positive changes to the environment, such as reducing waste or conserving energy.

We have done a round-up of the top 75 resolutions people make during the New Year. 

How many are on your list? We would love to know!

  1. Exercise more

  2. Eat healthier

  3. Quit smoking

  4. Reduce alcohol consumption

  5. Set a budget and reduce debt

  6. Save money

  7. Pay off credit card debt

  8. Save for a down payment on a house

  9. Learn a new skill or hobby

  10. Read more books

  11. Take up a new sport or activity

  12. Learn a new language

  13. Volunteer or give back to the community

  14. Find a new job or switch careers

  15. Pursue career advancement or a promotion

  16. Start a business or side hustle

  17. Travel more

  18. Learn to cook new dishes

  19. Get organized and declutter

  20. Take a class or workshop

  21. Learn a new instrument

  22. Write a book or screenplay

  23. Start a blog or YouTube channel

  24. Get involved in local politics or activism

  25. Learn photography or videography

  26. Learn to code or design

  27. Take a dance class

  28. Learn to meditate or practice mindfulness

  29. Seek therapy or counseling

  30. Reduce stress and prioritize work-life balance

  31. Practice gratitude and positive thinking

  32. Get a new haircut or try a new style

  33. Make new friends

  34. Attend more social events and meetups

  35. Network and build professional connections

  36. Strengthen relationships with loved ones

  37. Improve communication skills

  38. Spend more quality time with family

  39. Make a bucket list and start working toward it

  40. Go on a solo trip

  41. Try a new hobby or activity

  42. Learn a new recipe every week

  43. Practice a musical instrument regularly

  44. Go back to school or pursue further education

  45. Get a new pet

  46. Start a garden or grow your own food

  47. Learn a martial art or self-defense

  48. Learn a new card or board game

  49. Practice yoga or another form of physical exercise

  50. Go on a road trip or travel to a new place

  51. Learn to play chess or another strategic game

  52. Learn to surf or another water sport

  53. Learn a new craft or DIY skill

  54. Take up a new outdoor activity, such as hiking or rock climbing

  55. Learn to knit or crochet

  56. Learn to play a new video game

  57. Learn to use new software or technology

  58. Try new form of exercises, such as Pilates or Zumba

  59. Learn to skateboard or rollerblade

  60. Learn to swim or improve your swimming skills

  61. Learn to ski or snowboard

  62. Learn to play tennis or another racquet sport

  63. Learn to ride a bike or improve your cycling skills

  64. Learn to play golf or improve your golf game

  65. Learn to juggle or perform magic tricks

  66. Learn to paint or draw

  67. Learn to sculpt or work with clay

  68. Learn to do stand-up comedy or improvisation

  69. Learn to do magic tricks or perform illusions

  70. Learn to do acrobatics or gymnastics

  71. Learn to do parkour or freerunning

  72. Learn to do breakdancing or another form of dance

  73. Learn to do Parkour or freerunning

  74. Learn to do breakdancing or another form of dance

  75. Learn to do acrobatics or gymnastics

Final Words

It's important to remember that making a resolution is just the first step. It takes hard work and dedication to turn a resolution into a reality, and it's okay if progress is slow or if setbacks occur. The most important thing is to stay committed to the process and not give up, even when things get tough.

As the saying goes, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." By taking that first step and setting a resolution, you're setting yourself on a path toward personal growth and fulfillment. Happy New Year, and best of luck with your resolutions!

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